One tool for any cloud

Your complete solution for seamless deployments anywhere.
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An abstract cloud shape built out of square, multicolor blocks.

Platform migration made easy

Move applications between VMs, serverless, or Kubernetes with zero downtime.

A PaaS for any cloud

Deploy all your applications with one flexible workflow

Vendor lock-in prevention

Establish a cloud strategy that offers independence from any single provider.

What can you do with MultiTool?

A multitool with five, functional tools extending from the handle.
Move between VMs, serverless, or Kubernetes
Provision infrastructure just-in-time
Deploy anywhere, including AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure
Use a PaaS-like experience to deploy directly into your cloud account
Safeguard releasing with strategies like rolling and blue-green deployments

Deploy with any cloud provider

Amazon Web Services (AWS) logo
Google Cloud logo
Microsoft Azure logo
DigitalOcean logo

Work alongside all the other tools in your toolbox

Docker logo
Kubernetes logo
Helm logo
HashiCorp Terraform logo
developer experience

Built for developers by developers...

Deploying app.wasm to a serverless function on digitalocean
Instance started
Droplet added to firewall
Application ready
Application started
Deploy complete
app.wasm is live at http://123.456.789

...with IDE integration in mind

- provider: "aws"
region: "us-east-1"
primary: true
- provider: "gcp"
region: "us-east-1-b
- name: "api"
type: "vm"
! config:
autoscale: true
target: "app.wasm"
! Missing property “instance-size”.

It's easy to get started

Download MultiTool CLI
Initialize your project
Multi up
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